
How to Test Disk Throughput on Linux using shell script

Here is a shell script that you can use to test disk throughput using 1MB, 10MB, 100MB, 1000MB, and 10000MB:


# Define variables for file sizes in MB
sizes=(1 10 100 1000 10000)

# Define a function to perform the disk throughput test
function test_disk_throughput() {
    # Create a temporary file of the specified size
    dd if=/dev/zero of=tempfile bs=1M count=$1 conv=fdatasync

    # Measure the write speed of the temporary file
    write_speed=$(dd if=tempfile of=/dev/null bs=1M count=$1 2>&1 | awk '/copied/ {print $8 " " $9}')

    # Measure the read speed of the temporary file
    read_speed=$(dd if=tempfile of=/dev/null bs=1M count=$1 iflag=direct 2>&1 | awk '/copied/ {print $8 " " $9}')

    # Print the results
    echo "File size: $1 MB"
    echo "Write speed: $write_speed"
    echo "Read speed: $read_speed"
    echo ""

    # Remove the temporary file
    rm tempfile

# Loop through the file sizes and perform the disk throughput test for each size
for size in ${sizes[@]}; do
    test_disk_throughput $size


Save the script to a file, for example disk_throughput_test.sh, and make it executable by running chmod +x disk_throughput_test.sh in the terminal. Then, you can run the script by typing ./disk_throughput_test.sh in the terminal.

The script will create a temporary file of each size, measure the write and read speeds of the file, and print the results to the terminal. The dd command is used to perform the disk I/O operations, and the awk command is used to extract the relevant information from the output of the dd command.



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