
Delayed Replica set in MySQL

A delayed replica set in MySQL is a group of servers that are used for data backup and disaster recovery. A delayed replica set is a type of MySQL replication in which the slave servers receive updates from the master server with a delay, typically in the range of a few hours to a few days. This can be useful in situations where it is important to maintain a backup of the data, but it is not necessary for the slave servers to be in real-time synchronization with the master server.​

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To configure a delayed replica set in MySQL, you will need to set up MySQL replication on your servers. This process involves configuring a master server and one or more slave servers. Here is an overview of the steps involved in setting up a delayed replica set in MySQL:

  1. On the master server, create a user account that will be used by the slave servers to connect and replicate data.

  2. On the slave servers, install and configure the MySQL server software.

  3. On the slave servers, create a user account that will be used to connect to the master server and replicate data.

  4. On the master server, grant the necessary replication privileges to the user account created in step 1.

  5. On the slave servers, configure the MySQL server to connect to the master server and begin replicating data.

  6. On the master server, set the slave_delay variable to specify the amount of delay that you want for the replication process. This variable can be set on a global or session level, depending on your needs.

  7. Once the configuration is complete, you can test the delayed replica set by making some changes to the data on the master server and verifying that the changes are replicated to the slave servers with the appropriate delay.

Note: The exact steps for configuring a delayed replica set in MySQL may vary depending on your specific setup and requirements. It is recommended to consult the MySQL documentation for detailed instructions.



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