
Automate Postgresql Daily Database Backup using Pgbackreast and bash


# Set the backup directory

# Set the PGBackRest configuration file path

# Set the date format for the backup file name
DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)

# Create the backup directory if it doesn't exist
if [ ! -d "$BACKUP_DIR" ]; then
  mkdir -p $BACKUP_DIR

# Perform a full backup and store it in the backup directory
pgbackrest backup --type=full --target=$BACKUP_DIR/$DATE --config=$PGCONF


Save this script to a file (e.g., pgbackup.sh), and make it executable using the chmod command:

					chmod +x pgbackup.sh


Then, schedule the script to run daily using a cron job. To do this, open the crontab file using the following command:

					crontab -e


Add the following line to the crontab file to run the backup script at 2:00 AM every day:

					0 2 * * * /path/to/pgbackup.sh


Replace /path/to/pgbackup.sh with the full path to the backup script file.

Save and exit the crontab file. The backup script will now run daily at the scheduled time and store the backups in the specified directory.

Note that this is a basic example, and you may need to modify the script and cron job settings depending on your specific needs and environment. For more information on cron jobs and scheduling tasks in Linux, you can refer to the Linux man pages or online resources.

How to Take PostgGreSQL Database Backup on AWS S3 bucket using PGBackRest ?


					pgbackrest backup --type=full --target=s3:<backup_directory>


How to Take Full Database Backup using PGBackRest

					pgbackrest backup --type=full --db-include=<database_name> --target=<backup_directory>


PGBackRest backup for multiple Databases


To take a backup of multiple databases with PGBackRest, you can use the --db-include option to specify a comma-separated list of database names. Here are the general steps:

  1. Make sure you have a valid PGBackRest configuration file (pgbackrest.conf) that specifies the databases to back up and the backup storage location.

  2. Run the following command to perform a full backup of multiple databases:

					pgbackrest backup --type=full --db-include=<database1>,<database2>,<database3> --target=<backup_directory>

  1. Replace <database1>,<database2>,<database3> with a comma-separated list of the database names you want to back up, and <backup_directory> with the directory where you want to store the backup. The --type=full option specifies that a full backup should be taken.

  2. Monitor the backup progress by looking at the output of the command. PGBackRest provides detailed information about the backup progress, including the size of the backup, the number of files being backed up, and the backup speed.

  3. Once the backup is complete, you can verify it by running the pgbackrest info command. This command displays information about the available backups, including the type of backup, the backup size, and the backup timestamp.

Note that these are general steps, and the exact command and options may differ depending on your specific needs and environment. For more detailed instructions and examples, you can refer to the PGBackRest documentation.

What is the pgbackrest in PostGreSQL?

How to Install PgBackRest ?

The installation process for PGBackRest varies depending on your operating system and the package manager you’re using. Here are the general steps to install PGBackRest on Linux using the package manager:

  1. Add the PGBackRest repository to your system’s package manager. You can find the repository information on the official PGBackRest website.

  2. Install PGBackRest using your system’s package manager. For example, if you’re using Ubuntu, you can run the following command:

					sudo apt-get install pgbackrest


Verify that PGBackRest is installed correctly by running the following command:

					pgbackrest --version

  1. This should display the version of PGBackRest that you installed.

  2. Configure PGBackRest by creating a configuration file. The configuration file tells PGBackRest where to store backups, how to connect to your PostgreSQL server, and other settings. You can find examples of configuration files on the PGBackRest website.

  3. Start using PGBackRest to backup and restore your PostgreSQL databases. You can use the pgbackrest backup command to create backups and the pgbackrest restore command to restore backups.

Note that these are general steps, and the exact commands and configuration may differ depending on your operating system and package manager. For more detailed installation instructions, you can refer to the PGBackRest documentation.

How to Configure PGBackRest ?

Configuring PGBackRest involves creating a configuration file that specifies the settings and options for your backup and restore operations. Here are the general steps for configuring PGBackRest:

  1. Create a configuration file for PGBackRest. The configuration file should be named pgbackrest.conf and should be located in the directory where you plan to run PGBackRest. You can find an example configuration file on the PGBackRest website.

  2. Edit the configuration file to specify the settings and options for your backup and restore operations. Some of the key settings you’ll need to configure include:

    • global: This section contains global settings that apply to all databases and backups. You’ll need to specify the location of your backup storage, the compression and encryption settings, and other options.

    • db-name: This section contains settings that apply to a specific PostgreSQL database. You’ll need to specify the database name, the user and password to connect to the database, and other options.

    • stanza: This section contains settings that apply to a group of databases that are backed up together. You’ll need to specify the name of the stanza, the databases included in the stanza, and other options.

  3. Test your configuration by running the pgbackrest check command. This command checks your configuration file for errors and validates that PGBackRest can connect to your PostgreSQL server.

  4. Start using PGBackRest to perform backup and restore operations. You can use the pgbackrest backup command to create backups and the pgbackrest restore command to restore backups.

Note that these are general steps, and the exact configuration may differ depending on your specific needs and environment. For more detailed instructions and examples, you can refer to the PGBackRest documentation.